Monday, July 14, 2008

We are always told Ellie looks like a little Hans. I am not sure what I think. Personality wise they are both so easy. I didn't think that I could ever get a better baby than Hans, but Ellie is. The only thing is she make more noise. She is constantly talking. Oh a girl. What a difference! Hans constantly played. Last night we went to Rick and Ria's for dinner and she talked and sat there perfectly while Hans played with Daddy and the neighborhood kids.

Well I this past week we went to Kirstens and I left my camera there. While we were there we went to the clubhouse and went swimming. We also went to Morris to my favorite kids clothes store. I didn't break the bank this time I only came home from this trip with a couple of outfits. We also went to the Illinois river and hung out for a few hours. Then on Friday we headed to Elmhurst and made a stop at auntie Shirls. Hans was a little nervous about swimming but by the end he was jumping in.