Monday, June 15, 2009

The kids and I were planning to stay at Grandma's for two days. As it turned out we ended up being there five days. Grandpa came home from the nursing home which was unexpected, so I had my work cut out for me. We had things down to a science by the fourth day. I had to get use to pushing a wheel chair around in tight spaces. Mark was there two days and able to take the kids to ride the train, see a movie and go to the play land. Hans slept every night "a dadda" and the watched shows. He say "a" instead of by. Uncle Sam came the last evening to get informed on what to do and took the kids to the park. Elle was good the entire time and when she got close he started crying and it was a monsoon by the time she got to me. Hans was excited to see both his Uncles. Uncle Erik came by and Hans didn't want to leave to go home. (Please pray for Erik as he goes in for his stem cell transplant this week.) When we were driving into our neighborhood he said no home go back. He liked all the excitement, and visitors. When we got home Abby, Andrew, Charlotte, Christian and Marshall came over and played, which made him forget he wanted to go back.

Elle is more interested in riding the trike than Hans.

Ellie loves Strawberries. It is a good thing that we are growing them.

With job losses and things like they are many of the neighborhood kids are home. They are older kids, but Hans liked having them around. They even ate lunch with us.

The best of friends! They have so much fun together.

Ellie has a new way of eating mac and cheese.

Hans started swim lessons. I was nervous, but all my high school/ college kids took great care of him. It was almost like he got a private lesson. Elle wanted to jump in but she sat down instead.

While in Miliwaukee Grandma took us to the Children's museum. Hans got to go shopping at the best grocery store sendicks. He worked on a car, rode a harley, got to be on tv, went through a heart, played doctor and so much more. He had the best time ever!!!

Hanzie and Grandma did the Jelly Belly experiment. It is one of Hanzie's favorite treats.

Grandma Cindy has so much jewelry left from Mark's mom and Grandma. Elle had the best time wearing it. At one point she was covered.

Grandpa and Grandma came to visit and took us to my favorite restaurant Zaza. Hans was going to sleepover, but we had Serina's b-day. We found out Grandma had the week off so we decided to go to Milwaukee the next day. We went to get Mark from work while we waited we went to the tree house to play.

We went for Hanzie's final school meeting for the year. They talked about how cute and sweet he is but most of all how he is the best dressed kid. They all wanted to know where his clothes come from.

We took out the jumping pit. Elle was scared at first. As you can see that didn't last long.

The way we do everything in our house is homemade. Hans is making pancakes.

We went over to Serina's 13th birthday! Happy Birthday Serina!!