We took Hans for a walk with the wagon that Auntie Nat gave us. While we were out we ran into Nat, Lisa, Ethelyn and all of his buds. Hans enjoyed honking the horn on the bike. Then Christian and Ethelyn joined us for the rest of the walk.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Posted by Future Bulldog at 5:34 PM 0 comments
Corey Feldman
Adam, Anthony Daniels(C3PO) and me
Carrie Fisher(Leia)
Adam and I just got back from LA. I was there for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars convention, and Adam went to go see the sites. As you can see I had a great time meeting all the celebs. I worked the convention to get free autographs from official pic. They placed me with Anthony Daniels who asked me to go to lunch. Then asked me to dinner. Anthony asked me to be with him the rest of the time I was working, but the put me with Carrie Fisher as you can see above.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Erik, Mom and I took Hans to a baseball game at Chicago Christian. Erik is going to be a principal there. Hans loved that they had a cookie table and kept on snatching cookies off of it. Then he found the cooler and wanted to splash in the water. Grandma had to make sure he didn't make to much of a mess. As we were leaving he found a ramp that he ran up and down as you can see he thinks he is such big stuff.
Hans got this Six Flags splash pool from Auntie Nat. She was given it, but the pressure on her water squirts it to high. So Hanzie was glad to have it. He has been having a blast with it.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 4:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Hans has been sick this whole week, but he is starting to feel better. As you can see he felt well enough to have some of Dad's birthday cake.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 4:40 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
On Mothers Day we went to Russell's although we had to leave early because Hans was getting sick
On Saturday we got together with the rieg's. Also my mom's cousins came some of which we haven't seen in a long time. Hans had fun playing with the three kids.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: Mother's Day
Our Family has been going through some tough times. About three weeks ago my Aunt Illona passed away. Then last week Tuesday, we got a call that my cousin, paul, took his life. At a time like this there are no words to describe what one goes through. My cousin Paul was such a kind and caring person. When I was in middle school I was going through my dorky phase and my cousin Paul, who was so good looking, was always kind and payed attention to me. I always appreciated him so much for his kindness. I was able to talk to his girlfriend and she told me how much he talked about me and really cared about me and my family.
With a loss like this is hard to look at the positive, but my auntie gracey really showed what is most important and that is to lead others to Christ. What she hopes for is that through the death of Paul others will come to know Jesus Christ as their personal savior. What a wonderful woman! I just know that Paul, cousin John, my dad and auntie Illona are rejoicing in heaven together! Hans at Paul's funeral
Posted by Future Bulldog at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Hans loves helping me cook. He is always putting on the oven mitts. He has even learned to unlock certain types of safety locks, so he can get to what he wants. The kid is very observant ( scientist in the making?)
Hans at Alicia's house to watch the fight. He played with the girls who were having a slumber party. He looks so big when he is standing there hanging out with the girls.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 05, 2007
I think that Hans wanted to go with me to Prom. I know if I brought him I definitely would have gotten the most attention. Although he ended staying home with Daddy. It was a great night the students were so well behaved and just had a fun time. I had a nice time getting to see all of my students dressed so beautifully. I also got to dance to I had the time of my life, which they played for the head of the English dept (she is retiring this year). I also got to talk to the super of the school for a while about his theories on education, which was very interesting to me.
Kelsey is one of the sweetest girls. She is a good dutch girl whose father went to Timothy.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 6:16 PM 0 comments
Brit, and Isis came over to play. Hans loves the girls! We tried to watch American Idol, but Hans was having to much fun running around. Of course he was laughing up a storm.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 6:04 PM 0 comments