Hans and I went out to eat with Grandma and Great Grandma for my birthday. I also went to visit the preschool that Hans might go to next year. We are having a difficult time figuring out what to do. After dinner Hans and I came home and got in our comfy clothes. Hans got to stay up late and we played for a few hours. Hans likes putting a blanket over his head and acting like a ghost. Then we finished the evening by watching Homeward Bound. Hans of course loves the animals. Mark and I went out a few night later for my birthday. We went to go see some movies at Steve's theatre and figured out why we like to stay home and watch them. In 27 dresses we had some obnoxious women sitting behind us. Then we went to Rambo and got great seats once the movie started a bunch of people walked in who reeked of drugs which made me sick so we left early. With the set up we have at home and Mark's connections on getting movies we decided we would rather stay home.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:20 PM 0 comments
We went out and got Hans a playhouse. I thought that we would store it in the basement until spring came and we could put it with the swing set. When I woke up in the morning Mark had put it together in the family room and it can't be moved unless it is taken apart. I had to leave to go to masters class and grandma was watching Hans. While I was gone he played in it the whole time. He loves to fall out of the window. When Mark and I tried to go in the house and play with him he wouldn't let us in, although he let Wicket in. Wicky is such a fun and playful dog. Hans loves to play with her. She follows us around and is very protective of Hans.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Hans continues to help with the laundry although he likes the new machines better because he can help take the clothes out of the washing machine too. Oh, we were able to sell our old ones on craiglist. Now we are trying to find a double jogging stroller on the site!
Here I am blowing out my 24 candles. That is all Cindy had with her.
Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Rich came down to watch the Packers game. We celebrated my birthday and Hans got pizza and cake two of his favorite things. Cindy and I spent the day at the 7mile antique mall. It was the first time I went and totally loved it. It is about 5 minutes from my house and I am suprised I never stopped there.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 07, 2008
Hans was so much fun to be with over break. He always wanted to have fun. Well today I went back to work and started my classes again. It was so hard to have Hans leave us after being with him for three weeks straight. Today, Mark felt the baby kick for the first time. When I was pregnant with Hans, Mark never got to feel him kick . Hans would always stop moving the second Mark touched my stomach. Well tonight the baby was kicking and the minute Mark put his hand on my stomach he got a big kick.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Hans loves taco bell, as you can see it is all over his face. The only thing I want to eat is taco bell. It is my craving for the time being. So Hans has been exposed to fast food! Hans love all his Christmas toys. The only problem is we are going to run out of room. He has been playing with his toys, but his favorite toy still is his transformer. Thank You Uncle Adam!
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:08 PM 0 comments