Hans loves to see the animals at the Great Outdoors, so we took him there, too.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Posted by Future Bulldog at 3:15 PM 0 comments
We took Hans to Rainforest Cafe for his birthday. We got him the Volcano Desert. He got so nervous because of the sparkler on it. He blow out the candle on his own. All the people sang and cheered for him. We sat right near the gorillas. He loved the part where storm happens, which you can see by his big eyes! Then for dinner we got Lou Malnati's pizza and cupcakes, all of Hanzie's favorite foods.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Spring Break!! Where is spring? Hans and I have been spending so much time together. I am loving it! We got to go to the park and Hans. He has developed his skills compared to last year. He didn't need help on anything.
Hans put the ball on the stairs. It was a little scary because he likes to walk up the stairs with the ball which is twice the size.
Here he is so proud of himself for getting the ball to stay on the stairs.
After a day of fun he grabbed a baba and sat in the dining room looking out the window at the snow that will never seem to go away.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
We went with Christine and the girls to rainforest cafe and Hans loved the animals. All of the other kids his age were scared, but he was making the sounds back at the animals. Mark and I decided that we are going to have to take him back to Rainforest to eat for his birthday. There was this kid who kept on pushing Hans being a royal brat, but Hans stood his ground. To come and find out the brat was 3 and the same size as Hans. The mother acted like it was no big deal because they are toddlers, but I made it clear Hans isn't a toddler yet. Then she finally did something.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Today Hans and I had quite the day. Hans smashed his finger and his nail is falling off so he had to get xrays and I couldn't go in with him since I am pregnant. It took two people to hold him down. It would have gone so much differently if someone he knew could have been with him. Although he was perfect for the doctor. Afterwards we went to Target and got him some toys and then went to Gurnee Mills so that I could get some pink bibs, hats and other accesories, but I couldn't find anything. Hans decided that it would be more fun to ride in the car.
Hans cheered when everyone sang Happy Birthday to him!
Posted by Future Bulldog at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Happy Easter! Hans loves being with his cousins! He got all kinds of candy thanks to Aunt TT.
We decided to also celebrate Hans second birthday, so he opened his birthday gifts. He already tried the whistles for the bathtub. He didn't have much interest in the doll that is supposed to help him potty train. Hopefully he will? Auntie Kim and Uncle Erik got him the cutest swimsuit for the summer of course mommy loved that. Since we are always told he is the best dressed kid where do you get his clothes we got to make sure we keep that trend up. I am just concerned what people will expect when we have a girl. Although I am not to worried her aunties have already found the cutest clothes.
Well here I am looking ready. I am bigger this time than I was with Hans. Hopefully soon!!!
For Easter we put toys around the house for Hans. He went from room to room to find what the Easter bunny had left him.
Hans is getting to the point that he likes to go up the stairs like a big person. It freaks us out because if he fell he would end up on the hard wood floors.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Well I have officially started my maternity leave. I was so busy getting the sub prepared to take over for me I haven't had a chance to get much done. The baby is due anytime now and I am ready to be finished and meet my baby. It is nice that I am due over spring break because it gives me sometime to finish some up my school work and work on the house. We still need to get some odds and ends. I also need to get a double jogging stroller. Tomorrow is Easter and we have to get ready for Hanzie's second birthday party with my family and the for the Easter bunny to come. Tomorrow Hans will be giving up his bottle which I don't think he realizes yet. He had no problem leaving his crib, but no having a bottle at night is going to be the hardest battle I am afraid. He needs to give it up so we can try to potty train him. We are hoping not to have two sets of diapers to change. Hans's new favorite pass time is taking his doctors kit and checking on the baby he takes the heart rate, gives shots and a full check up. Today he was a little hard when he checked the reflexes so he decided to kiss my stomach and say sorry. I never know what that kid is going to do. He also put his buzz lightyear in the baby swing and turned it on. I pray that he continues with this great attitude when the baby arrives!
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Hans ball pit broke when we had the neighborhood kids come over, so luckily we purchased two diferent ones.
Hans spends much of his day in his toy room. It was the best thing that we did to turn the Star Wars room into a play room. We made it totally kid safe and got a plasma that we mounted so there is nothing dangerous for Hans.
Hans went out to play with the girls since the weather was getting warmer. Although yesterday we had another major snow storm. So much for working on the yard.
Hans loves our neighbor's dog. Eventhough he has two dogs he runs over to see Sophie ever chance he gets. Sophie jumps on him and they hug each other.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
I am so thankful for Hans. He is just so amazing! He has been so helpful. Here he is picking up his toys. Today he helped me unload the dishwasher and put away the dishes. It is incredible how considerate and thoughtful he is especially not even being two.
Here I am looking prego. On Saturday, I had to go to the hospital due to the concern about possibly having preeclampsia. I had to have all kinds of tests done and finally was released. I just have to take it easy, which is hard to do. They said if I had it they would deliver the baby right away, which of course had me freaked out because I haven't had the time to get ready for the baby. At least I will have more time. Mark and I got out the baby stuff and put everything together. We are pretty much set, so much for relaxing. Tonight Hans left for the last time. We are both thrilled that he will be home all the time soon, although we know he will miss Brenda's.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Mark and I took Hans to the park district Easter egg hunt. We put him in the group with the older kids and he did quite well. He got about 15 eggs. All that he cared about was the candy. He definently has sweet tooth.
We told Hans that he was going to get a toy because he behaved so well. We took him to Walmart on our way home from the burial. We let him walk around he picked up a few toys and then he put them back. He eventually saw the millennium falcon and placed it on the bottom of the cart, people around we cracking up at him. Of course he picked out the most expensive toy around. He waited until the next morning to open it.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Hans had a blast staying at Grandma's and Grandpa's house. He went two day without his nap and was still such a good boy. Marks grandfather that passed away was in the military, so I came up for the buriel service. I was unable to be there both days. By the time I got up there on Thursday my legs and feet were so swollen I could barely walk. So I sat and relaxed and watched Hans play with Grandma. He was laughing and making us all laugh. At the buriel service Hans's eyes were so big he just kept watching the military men. Everyone thought he would get scared when the riffles were fired, but he just watched. After the service we went out to eat with Mark's family. Hans and I went for a walk and got to see all the machines that are on his new fav. bob the builder.
be scary.
Mark's Grandpa passed away. Mark and Hans went to the funeral. Hans had a great time playing with this little girl.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 02, 2008
We have DVR so Hans when Hans watches TV he has to skip all the commercials. He was laying on his mat and got up to bring the remote to the kitchen so we could skip the commercials. He knows with Daddy's special remote he has to be very careful and hold it with two hands.
Hans loves putting on lotion. He especially likes to have his cheeks lathered. Occasionally he even tastes it!
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:18 PM 2 comments
Han's favorite past time is dancing. I put on America's best dance crew and Hans got down right with them. He even dropped to the ground and slid along the floor.
Hans and his dog. Much to our surprise Hans finally loves this dog. He has been so scared of it since he was born, but just this week I put new batteries in it and now it is his favorite. We used to turn it on and he would stand a mile away. That has definently changed!
Posted by Future Bulldog at 8:58 PM 0 comments