Auntie Diane came up to help me take care of the kids, so I could finish my final project and be ready for the final for my masters class. I was so grateful to have her come.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Hans at the party. He enjoyed watching and playing with the kids.
When we went out to eat with Grandma and Grandpa, Hans only wanted cherries.
Grandma and Elle
Grandma picked up Hans favorite food Yogurt with M&M's
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Off to the surprise party for John's parents suprise party in Wisconsin.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Hans had to have Elle in his play room to watch him play she seemed to enjoy it.
She likes the play mat for about 5 to 10 minutes. Hans would stay on it for hours maybe she will get there.
Elle loves to sleep in her boppy. She prefers that to anything else. Although I have started to make sleep more in her crib. She sleeps best when there is a lot of noise.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Elle is two weeks in this picture! She is getting better at sleeping for a longer period. Last night she went four hours. It is the longest stretch since she was born.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Auntie Kim and Uncle Erik with Elle.
Hans with his bob the builder hat.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 4:34 PM 0 comments
Elle is totallydifferent from Hans. Everything Hans didn't like she loves. Her favorite spot is the baby swing and Hans cried anytime you put him in. He liked all the toys that he could be active. Elle loves to eat, sleep and dirty her diaper. Hans just always wanted to play.

Posted by Future Bulldog at 4:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Hans holds Elle for the first time. He has been so good to her and is very helpful with getting her diapers and throwing the dirty ones away.
Elle slept all day the first day home from the hospital and then was up all night this is a habit I am trying to break her of, so that hopefully I will get to sleep again.
Grandpa and Grandma came to visit although I only have a picture of Grandpa with Elle. We think that Elle might have Grandpa's beautiful hazel eyes. We will have to wait and see.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:09 PM 0 comments
My favorite girls came over to see Elle. She loved being held by them.
Grandma Margaret hence the middle name came to see Elle Margaret. Auntie Dorothy drove Grandma and had the cutiest oufit for Elle and also some bath products for me. Auntie Dorothy has been such a blessing. She has become a close friend of my mothers since the passing of my father.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 07, 2008
Her is our new little girl! Elle Margaret was born on April 2nd at noon. Hans and Elle are exactly two years and one day apart. These are pictures that we took while at Lake Forest Hospital. Well everything went well. Kari was in labor for seven hours which was much better than the 18 plus hours with Hans. Although since she had to be induced she couldn't get out of bed, so she had to lay there and just deal with the pain. After four hours of labor she got the epidural. Although it didn't work so the had to come back and do it again. While in the hospital Elle only cried a few times. She just slept and ate. We couldn't figure out who she looks like, but we kept getting told how beautiful she is. She has a very rosy complexion which makes her look so healthy and pretty. The person who took the picture said she hasn't seen a baby with her beautiful coloring.
On our way home.
Waiting for the epidural to wear off. It took four hours after labor before Kari could walk.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 1:46 PM 1 comments
Hans is TWO!! On April 1st Hans turned two. He had a great time opening gifts, but what he loved most of all was all the tools. Christine and the girls got him a tool set, and then one of the gifts we got him was a whole tool set. It was definently a hit. He has been playing with it nonstop since he opened it. This week Hans gave up his bottle and now is working on potty training with Grandma. Although he is not showing much interest so we will see. His other new favorite thing is getting piggy back rides.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 1:05 PM 0 comments