Hans is such a little helper. He is putting the dishes away for me. I am sometimes amazed on how he knows how to do so much. So when can I get him started on folding laundry?
Hans loves being with Taylor. We decided to have her babysit for Hans. She comes over all the time to play with Hans and he totally loves being around her. So Saturday night she watched them. The only problem she had is working Marks $700 remote, we all understand Taylor. Hans loved being with her, he stayed up till 10 pm. Then on Sunday he played with her some more.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Posted by Future Bulldog at 7:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Paula is here! Paula came from Texas to stay with Ria. Instead our Friday family night I went out to a pampered chef party and then I head with Alicia over to Ria's house. Mary, Ria, Alicia, Paula and I ended up in Antioch. We went to a place Ria and Alicia go to regularly. It was quite the outing. What I learned!
- Cougars are woman over 40.
- Watch out for girl fights!
- Do not to pick up a purse that you assume is one of your friends, especially when the cops are around. If you do don't bring it back when someone is screaming who took my purse.
- And always tell people you are not from around here and pass them on to one of your friends.
- Finally Tim is the king of Antioch.
It was quite an interesting evening. Then on Saturday night we got together again for Oktoberfest. We got to enjoy interesting karaoke. The video when we all joined in wouldn't load, we all had a great time. The singing definitely improved when Denise started to sing she has an amazing voice. She performs in musicals. It is so wonderful we all are different ages and have kids of all ages, but it just doesn't matter. When we get together we just have the best time.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Ria, Alicia, Mary, Denise, Me, Paula and Laura. We got together to take our Oktoberfest picture. Ethelyn and Patti weren't in it because they had to leave to take care of their kids.
The neighborhood Fall Festival was this weekend. We spent the afternoon in the park getting snow cones, cotton candy, rode the train around the neighborhood and spent time on time on the inflatables. Hans loved the octopus and when it was time to leave I told him he has one more time to go through it. He stayed in there for 30 minutes. We were laughing because we couldn't get him out. The moment he decided he was done he walked out and hopped in the stroller to drink his water. It was a good thing Elle was sleeping. What a little pistil! You can see him in the middle of it avoiding getting out.

Hans jumped in the ball pit. There were two twin boys that joined him. He just loved being in there with them.

This week we went out to pick some more cherry tomatoes. Hans likes to pick all different colored ones some that aren't ripe, some perfect and some that are gross. Then Thursday night we went to the cheer leading spaghetti dinner with Britney. We decided to leave because we had waited over 30 min and they were out of everything besides we were told the food was bad. I don't think they expected to have 1500 people, so we ended up at taco bell and ran into tons of my students.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Everyone who reads this please go to bornalivetruth.org It is so sad!
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Last Night, we couldn't decide what to do, so we went to the park and out to Culver's. On the road we went passed the drive in and saw they were showing ET and Jaws. Mark being a huge Spielberg fan thought this should be the first drive-in for the kids. We watched ET outside. When Jaws started we moved inside because Elle woke up. We had such a great time the only thing Mark and I decided is next time we need to try to plan ahead. As you can see from the pictures Hans was a little camera shy. No it was just that when it was pitch black the flash killed the eyes.
Ellie has graduated to the walker. She likes being able to go everywhere and she especially loves when Hans pushes her around. I haven't seen this yet, but Mark says she laughs and has her big grin.
Last Friday night, it was pouring outside, so we decided to do family movie night. We let Hans watch part of Jurassic Park because he is so into dinosaurs and we got Lou Malnati's pizza, again. When I was a kid we were allowed to eat pizza in the living room on a blanket and watch a movie, so we thought it was a good idea to start this tradition.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
What a day! Well today I came into work and received an email that I need to go and take the state test for science. They want me to take it so I can teach Honors chem and AP. The only thing is I don't want to teach anymore that is why I am going for my masters so I can become a dean. I am waiting to hear if I am going to have to. The test covers all of the sciences including earth science which I haven't taken. I am freaking out a little. I think it is just because I don't want to have to add studying for the other sciences, besides all my masters work. I know Chem and Bio, it is just Physics and Earth. Please pray that it will all work out! I just would really like to be a dean.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 06, 2008
It was a late night Friday and an early morning Saturday for the Home depot kids building project. We were all so tired! Hans built a paper football field goal. After we got back Hans and Elle took a 4 hour nap. Then he got up and I took the kids to church. Hans loves the huge train slide at church. I am looking forward to tomorrow Grandpa and Grandma are coming to give us Grandpa's Honda Accord. I am so thankful that they are giving it to us. Mark takes the train to work so he will use it to get back and forth from the train. Elle will not keep her socks and shoes the entire time she kept getting them off. Her feet are narrow so it is easy for her.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Daddy's girl had a great birthday. Mark sang happy birthday to her with Hans and she smiled and was so thrilled. She is starting to look different than Hans. She is beginning to look more like me.
Hans an.d I picked tomato on Labor day. He decided to put the in his bucket
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Dana, and Jason came over and told us about their time in WI for all the Harley activities. Hans loved playing with Jason chasing him around. Hans wanted his golf cart outside so Andrew spent sometime playing with it.
Since we were in WI we had to stop by and see uncle Adam. Hans loved running around his house. Most of all he loved the cat hiding in the bushes. Adam was heading to concert so we stayed for about an hour, and then went to Oscar for Mark to get the best frozen custard shake.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:20 PM 0 comments
We met up with my mom and Auntie Dorothy for church and then went to Cedarburg. I loved the town. They had such beautiful shops. Grandma Judy got Ellie the most adorable outfit. It will be perfect for her first birthday. Hans was being a bit of a pistil this weekend. Mark and I were shocked he was snotty and rude to people. I had to have a talk with him and tell him that was not acceptable and if her continued he would have to get a spanking. He quickly shaped up!! I was so thankful. I hate punishing him, but I know to well what kids end up like that don't get consistent discipline.
Elle loved tackling the football.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:26 PM 0 comments
We had family dinner with Christine and Art. Mark really want lou malnati's so we got that with cupcakes for desert. Hans had to bring his transformer toy and left it at there house so early in the morning we had to walk over and get it. So he was still in his pj's. Friday night Katelynn broke up with her long time boyfriend so I felt so bad for her. Life is hard when you are that age, but she is really level headed. Melissa is in eighth grade, so she is hoping she will have me as her teacher.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:10 PM 0 comments