Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I have had quite the morning. I decided I am going to get the kids to Christine's house by myself. I drop them off and Hans has a total meltdown. He wouldn't go into the house and just kept say "with ma ma". I brought Elle in and then had to go outside and get Hans. He wouldn't let go of me. I finally was able to leave when he got kix for breakfast. As I am driving already late for me, I get behind a grade school bus that made 20 stops. Ugh! I pull into school and walk up and the bell rings. Then I realize I left my keys some where. I walk back to the car and determined I left them at home, so I have to go through the main door. Of course I run into the Superintendent and Eric my boss. Luckily I have first hour as a planning period! So I am in the middle of grading stoichiometry tests and the fire alarm goes off. A student must have pulled the alarm to get out of exam not realizing that just extends the day. We all had to go outside in 17 degree weather fun.
I just finished grading my first Biology exams taken and my students did an outstanding job! I am proud of them. Also last night I finished another masters class. I have one more to go!!!
Today Hans starts his speech therapy.
News about Erik
He has been at Northwestern. They are doing intense rounds of chemo because the types of chemo therapies have not been effective. I am hoping that he will get to be home for Christmas, so we can stop by and see him. Also Kirsten and I will have to go in soon and be tested to see if we are a stem cell match.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Grandma Cindy got Elle this angel baby that sings. She absolutely loves it. She sits there and laughs out loud.

Posted by Future Bulldog at 5:10 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Erik is out of the hospital. He has been home for a few days. He was not responding to the treatments so the made a change and added Cyclophosamide (Cytoxan). I like knowing the real name because I know the chemistry and it gives me a visual in my head. The amide group is the most potent part of it. It contains O double bonded to C with N-H off of it. The main concern is with Erik's IGG levels. The problem in myeloma it effects the attachment of the immunoglobulin. The immunoglubulin is made up of 2 light chains and 2 heavy the coordination of the two is lost and the unattached light chain enters the blood and is excreted through the urine. These chains can cause injury to the kidneys, which is why he has to keep returning to the hospital for plasmaphoresis. We pray that his levels will decrease with the Cytoxan. The doctors told Erik it is the killer, which is evident when it is related to nitrogen mustard (gas).
Posted by Future Bulldog at 5:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Well Hans was tested. He qualifies for speech therapy so we will be starting soon. I knew he need this, but it was hard hearing that he definitely qualifies. Mark took Hans. The woman Susanne, who tested him had him stack blocks, run through flash cards and many other things. Susanne called me at work and left me a message. She said Hans was the sweetest and most well behaved child. After they ran the test to determine if he needs occupational therapy, he helped her put everything away. She said she had never seen a child so helpful. She called just to tell me how amazing Hans is. I was so proud of him being so sweet and lovable.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 7:34 PM 1 comments