It was such a wonderful Mother's day! Mark and I went to Kirsten and Sam's for the weekend. We had planned for the three of them to go see Star Trek while a stayed at home and watched the kids. They enjoyed it. We also got to see Luke's and Levi's baseball games. I also got to pick up some picture I was having framed, and go see the floral arrangements at Material Things to decided what I want on the credenza. Although the best stop was going to Hometown Furniture in Plainfield to pick up Hanzie's b-day gift. We got him a rotating football chair with ottoman. That is my favorite place to go, although the store in not much to look at but the prices are amazing for high end furniture! If you go ask to see the catalogs because the most beautiful stuff is not always in stock. Mark and I are trying to decide what furniture we will get next. I think it will be counter top stools and a new mattress.

Levi is into pitching. Levi and Hans prayed for Uncle Erik to get better soon so he can help them play ball. Kirsten said Levi has been praying that for a while because he want to be a good pitcher. Hans just likes to play. Levi pitched to us and Sam was impressed with our hitting skills. Kirsten and I said what do you expect when you have a brother who pitched. Mom even stepped up to the plate to hit. Levi threw a few curve balls.