Here is a picture of Hans at Kirsten's with Luke and Levi's two closest friends. It is to bad for that there two friends are moving away today. Hans likes them too. Chris, the youngest, just loved Elle. He was always around her.

Here is a picture of Hans at Kirsten's with Luke and Levi's two closest friends. It is to bad for that there two friends are moving away today. Hans likes them too. Chris, the youngest, just loved Elle. He was always around her.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:22 PM 0 comments
I can't believe my little bro is graduating from high school. David was taken in by my family as the little brother we always wanted. David is my best childhood friend Kristyn little brother. David would ride his bike over to hang out with us whether it was to watch movies or play ball with Erik. David even filled in for Mark at our family trip to Great America. David had a grad party at Rivals. It was such a nice party.
David and his second fam, Mark and Hans were missing because Hans was doing his own thing. Look at Elle sound asleep.
For David's grad gift we got him and Ipod and alarm clock station. I was told that he said he has wanted one for three years and leave it to my second family to get it for me. It is funny cause I think of his family as my second too.
Hans was thrilled to see his cousins. The men had to sit together because we were separated by families, but Hans was upset he didn't get to sit with the boys so Mark and Hans moved seats.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Hans got his first experience with the Ice cream truck. We treated the girls because the are so wonderful and played with him on the trampoline for a few hours the day before, and then came over to entertain him.
I was so tired from the lack of sleep and the kids lack of sleep. So Hans and I went and jumped on the trampoline to tire him out.
Hans got to spend time with Jack because Julie was home sick from work a few day. He is going to miss him not being home.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Hans is starting to look like a little man. This week Hans had his first attitude problem. He fought Derek over the dinosaur he got last week from Adam. He didn't want to share. I had to put him in his room till he cooled down. Oh no!
Hans went on the neighbors trampoline, but he couldn't decide if he liked it. He went of and on it a few times.
Elle and I went to school to visit my afternoon classes. This time Hans went to play with Kyle and Derek. I had to get in paperwork so I though it would take an hour it ended up being 3 hours. All the student wanted to see her.
Hans had to watch American Idol and show daddy how we dance to the entire show. Hans made daddy dance on one side of him and mommy on the other.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Elle has so many cute clothes I love dressing her. I recently found this website it has very beautiful dresses. The only thing is Elle doesn't like were anything to close to her mouth because she wants to eat it.
While Elle takes her nap Hans has been spending most of his time on the swing set and in his moon walk. We now have all the kids coming to visit us since we can't go to many places.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Mark and Elle fell asleep while Ethelyn was still hanging out.
Karen's son Kevin is such a great boy. He was so good with Hans.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 6:19 PM 0 comments
Karen was also able to come. She had some great news for us recently that she is engaged. She will be married in August. I am so excited for her. Her fiancee is moving here from Boston. I will get to meet him at her engagement party in June.
Elle got to meet her best friend today. Elle and Annabeth will definitely have to get along because we are so close with Diane and Andy.
Jen came with her boyfriend Troy. This was the first time Mark got to meet him and he found that they have things in common. Troy is the only other person that Mark knows who reads Star Wars books. It was so good to see Jen we have really missed getting together with her. She works as Abbott so it takes up so much of her time.
We had a birthday party for Mark and our closest friends came, but also to see Elle. Diane and Annabeth went in the moonwalk with Hans. Uncle Adam came and brought Hans his new favorite toy a giant dinosaur, he also got Elle a huge stuffed animal pony and I got a plant from my favorite place Steins. Adam is definitely the best at knowing what to get people. Hans goes everywhere with the dinosaur and he uses the pony as food for the dino.
Dan was in so they came by to see the baby and of course borrow a movie. Hans follows Dan around like he is his little shadow.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 5:50 PM 0 comments
I took Hans in to meet my morning classes. It was quite the event. When Hans got there he met some teachers that I work with. Then we went up stairs and Hans was running through the hall and wiped out. I was trying to calm him down while holding the baby. Then we knocked on the door of my first hour and thirty kids came running to the door. As you can imagine he was totally overwhelmed. I handed off the baby and then went to the back room and got him starburst. He sat in a desk and ate them. By the time my second hour came he was a wild man. He broke one of Dan's, a teacher I work with, toys. My second hour has the craziest groups of guys. Hans loved the he had a dance party with them and played toys with them. They got nothing done. Ellie was good the entire time she loved being passed from student to student. Every kid wanted to have their picture taken with her. All of the boys held her which was shocking to me. One of the students Danny fed her and of course she spit up on him, but he didn't seem to care. I gave Hans a bag of starburst and I told him to give it to whomever he wanted. He looked around and gave them all to the nicest student Cody. Then as we were leaving a group of guys I had last year played with him and got him soaked with the drinking fountain.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Great Grandma wanted to hold Elle every second she got the chance. She offered all the time!
Elle looks so cut in this picture. My cousins wife Jodi is holding her. Brent and Jodi were there with their kids. There baby is so adorable and hug able.
Auntie Brenda was the one who watched Hans this year. When he saw her he went right to her and laid his head on her shoulder. It was so cute.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Hans with the toy shot gun. Also it was the last picture before he got his hair chopped.
Elle is one month old and she got her first flower a dandelion. The boys brought her flowers. There were two boys Wayne and Chris who just adored her.
We spent this past week at Kirsten' s house. Hans spent hours in the sand box, and he loved tackling the big guys. He got to sleep one night in Luke's room and the other night with Levi. Hans and Levi are pals. I peeked in one morning and Hans was awake just watching Levi sleep. By the time Levi was awake he was back to sleep. One of the funniest thing happened with Hans and Levi, Hans pinched Levi so Kirsten told him to pinch him back. When he did Hans starred at him and continued eating. Levi was annoyed and Kirsten told him to pinch him as hard as he could so he did and Hans laughed. Then Kirsten said maybe my kids need to toughen up when a toddler can hurt them and it didn't even phase Hans. Another thing was Hans was running to tackle Tyler. Tyler moved quickly and Hans went face first into the fence. He got right up and got back into tackling. Kirsten and I got to go to Morris to my favorite kids clothes store. Once again I got the cutest outfits for Elle and Hans.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:23 PM 0 comments