Here is a picture of Hans at Kirsten's with Luke and Levi's two closest friends. It is to bad for that there two friends are moving away today. Hans likes them too. Chris, the youngest, just loved Elle. He was always around her.

Kirsten and I had a jewelry show at auntie Gracey's house this week. I had a scheduled masters class that got canceled so I decided to take the kids to Kirsten's house for the week. Then on Weds we went to Gracey's to do the show and most of all see Karen and her girls. Hans had a great time there and Elle loved being held by everyone. Hans did have an accident he broke a pot that held a vine that had to do with my cousin Paul who passed away a year ago. He hasn't broken anything so of all things to break. Hans, Luke and Levi had fun playing with all the kids and fell asleep on the way home.
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