Monday, July 28, 2008
Today we headed to Gymboree with Dana and Andrew, who is in the pic above. Hans was the energizer bunny when he was there. He ran from station to station. It is a good thing we are going for a party there on Saturday. Hans will be so excited!

Andrew got hurt so here is Dana comforting him.

Posted by Future Bulldog at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Elle slept most of the day away at Kirsten's so uncle Erik didn't get to hold her like he usually does. Everyone absolutely loved the outfit and bib auntie Kirsten got her.
We took some family pictures for Ken and Karla to bring home to show their family. Since they were heading north and we have the space, they spent the night at our house. It was so wonderful getting to spend more time with them. It was unbelievable how much we had to talk about. It was amazing how much Ken in personality reminded us of my father. Ken could recite the movie the fugitive just like dad.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Hans was starting to be tired when we were eating.
Luke and Hans in the sand.
Going to the town to do some shopping after swimming.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:56 PM 0 comments
We went for dinner at Lake Geneva's famous place Popeyes. We love there soup, and rolls.
Elle liked swimming as long as you held her tight. She needed to be kept warm!
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:48 PM 0 comments
This is the photo where Elle looks like Hans!
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:15 PM 0 comments
Elle and Hans play together so well. Just occasionally I need to remind Hans that he needs to be gentle. I am so thankful that I have such sweet kids. Also that Hans is so thoughtful.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Ellie has loves to roll around. I have to put pillows all around her. If I didn't she would roll right off of everything.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:40 AM 0 comments
I have been working with Kirsten on Jewelry so I decided I should make some for myself. I have been getting so many compliments on what I wear. I am glad people like our designs. Every time you talk to Elle she gets so happy and pulls her dress over her face.
Hans had fun playing with Derek and Kyle. We went over for Melissa and Brit's bday party. I didn't know what the girls would like so I let them pick a purse and earings. They said they liked it better cause they got what they wanted.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Elle fell sound asleep while Dana and I watched the boys play at the park. Dana and I were going to take the boys to safety town since it was closed we went to the park here are some pics of the boys at the park.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!! Yesterday we went down to Grandma's to celebrate moms b-day. We went swimming at Shirley's for the day. Then went to silverado's for dinner. My mom said she couldn't have had a better day her kids and grand kids were all there. Also Auntie Patti and Grete came along. It was nice for mom to see everyone. We all got her some beautiful clothes.
Hans gave auntie Kim and uncle Erik a hug goodbye. I know that he misses seeing them as much as he used to. He gets excited when they come around and he doesn't like when they leave. It is nice because they are a big help with the kids which I appreciate especially when Mark has to work.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
We are always told Ellie looks like a little Hans. I am not sure what I think. Personality wise they are both so easy. I didn't think that I could ever get a better baby than Hans, but Ellie is. The only thing is she make more noise. She is constantly talking. Oh a girl. What a difference! Hans constantly played. Last night we went to Rick and Ria's for dinner and she talked and sat there perfectly while Hans played with Daddy and the neighborhood kids.
Posted by Future Bulldog at 4:41 PM 0 comments