Today we headed to Gymboree with Dana and Andrew, who is in the pic above. Hans was the energizer bunny when he was there. He ran from station to station. It is a good thing we are going for a party there on Saturday. Hans will be so excited!

I put Elle in the carrier at
Gymboree. I think that she enjoyed it too. She was looking all around trying to take everything in.

Andrew got hurt so here is Dana comforting him.

Hans climbed on everything. There wasn't one thing that he hadn't touched. What cracked me up the most is all of the other kids were standing on the bridge pretending to go fishing and
Hans was busy putting the fish away. He didn't like that they were laying out everywhere, and then when it was over he picked up everything for the ladies that were running it.

We are
definitely going to have to get this kid a pair of binoculars he would not give them up. He held on to them for a long time even when the cord was wrapping around his neck.

Hans favorite thing to do was go around and smash all of the bubbled on everything.

The boys had so much fun running around and getting into everything. Dana takes Andrew because the therapy is so good for him.
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