Elle is my little sunshine! She is so much like her father in personality. Mark and I were discussing how already I let her get away with more because she is more like Mark, while Mark lets Hans get away with more because he is like me. I don't know if it is supposed to work that way, but it seems to for us.

Mark had to work this entire weekend, so it was me and the kids. This 7 to 11 drives me nuts! At least it is not like last year and we only have weekends like these once and a while now. On Saturday we stopped by mom's house to help clear things out for Erik's sake. Erik and Kim have been living at my mom's house since mom is helping my Grandparents. We finally got all of my dad's pictures organized and Kirsten took them to her house to put on CD's. Erik came home from the hospital today so we thought it was a good time to clean out the basement on Saturday. It got cleared out so the cleaning crew can come through. On Saturday we spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa. Hans loves getting all the attention. Grandma was amazed by how he picks everything up. He found some wrappers on the floor and throw them away. Such a little helper. Then Ellie was her spunky self. She was into everything. She was playing with a toy and her favorite button said I love to learn. Then today we spent the day outside getting all the furniture covered, toys and grill put away, and many other things that need to be done outside. Man was it cold! There were flurries while Hans and I were working.
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