Thursday, February 26, 2009

One of the teachers at my school made my day. Her husband works as the regional manager for the Gap and she gave two of us teachers tshirts for our girls. I guess they get a deal a whole big bag for a penny. It must be nice! I know I appreciate their kindness, especially being on a teachers salary.
We went to the town this week and met up with our friends Dana and Andrew. I was so thankful to have Dana there. It is nice to have another set of eyes. Hans and this little girl did everything together until she left. She kept flowing him around. At first he wasn't sure, but then he loved it.

Elle moved out of the crawling area and decided to act like a two year old. She kept up with them, and zoomed around in her police car. Only problem she could just go backwards.
Hans watches daddy lift weight and found out it is not as easy at he thought he ended up falling of the bench right after I took this, and of course I had the camera in my hand. Dana thought it was funny because this is the second time he fell when I was taking a picture.
Hans was playing with all the boys after the little girl left. Eventually he found the oldest boy there and hung out with him.