Hans is three and Elle is one! Happy birthday!
Hans and Elle opened their Easter and birthday gifts from Grandma and Grandpa. Hans got a brewers jersey and zoo animals, and Elle got a bunny and clothes. They both love playing with the bunny and his moving ears.

We went to Wisconsin to go to Milwaukee zoo. Hans was so happy to see Grandma and Grandpa. Elle had the biggest eyes the whole time. She just kept staring at the animals. Most of all they loved the otters. Once again the tiger came right up to us and rubbed against the window. The way tigers are attracted to us make me glad there is protection.

Hans wanted more eggs so this is a picture at our second Easter egg hunt of the day.

Elle is with Heather. She was my student and one of my cheerleaders. I now have her brother in class.

We went to the town Easter Egg Hunt it was great because I got to see so many former students. Just remind me to not where two jackets. I was way to hot. Hans loved seeing all of the kids and the high schoolers paid so much attention to him. Elle got every one's attention with her birthday dress. Hans got so many eggs, but didn't get the golden ticket worth $50.

We went hiking for Elle's b-day at Starved Rock and Matthiason. When the kids got tired we met up with Kirsten at Morris to go to Corleone's and the shops. Next time remind me to got to Morris first so I am not covered in mud to go shopping.
Mark and I hiked down a hundred stairs or so to enter the waterfalls. Hans and Mark walked through the river and got soaked. Mark was so worried about Elle and I so we couldn't go anywhere that was slippery.

Elle liked the cake, but she was much more dainty with it compared to Hans. She took piece by piece and put it in her mouth.

We went to Egg Harbor for lunch.

Hans zonked out on the sofa after a night of being out late. He had to watch transformers as you can see he fell asleep next to one of his.
Hans and I got ready to go to Johnny's chophouse. They had their 30 year anniversary and had all you can eat steak and seafood buffet. I am not a buffet person, but it was outstanding. Hans liked his cherry tart most of all.

Three peas in a pod. Hans love being with the cousins. When he slept over he had to ride with them to school and be with them every second he could. He plays the monster and chase the boys and their friends around. When he got there his best bud Levi put together a bunch of toys for Hans. Today he brought one of them to Christine's. He could find it when he left and was broken up cause II (Levi) gave it to him.

We went to Egg Harbor for lunch.

We took Hans to Yorktown for his b-day to ride the train, and play in the tree house. They also got their picture taken with the Easter bunny. We went with Great Grandma and met up with TT and mom who were out car shopping. I think my mom is getting a Mercury Mariner Hybrid. It is definitely a good decision.

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