Part 1 to be continued..
Our Second Day at Sea World In the splash area at Sea World

Elle is my animal lover. She is so happy every time she see fish and dogs.

At Magic Kingdom on the Carousal. Hans and I got our pineapple floats.

Elle loved everything about Magic Kingdom. She got to go on her first rides.

Magic Kingdom

Aquatica was the perfect break from the amusement parks. We loved everything- the lazy river, roaring rapids, the water slides, wave pool, the play center with nets, tunnels and slides, and so much more. Hans and Elle went on the water slide numerous time with Grandma and me.

In Florida we stayed at the Shingle Creek resort.

Hans and Elle had their snack on a towel in the hotel room.

Hans was faster in the tunnels and I was quicker on the nets. This way I could keep up with him.

Hans and I ran through all the tunnels. I think I am a little tall for them and remind me next time not to wear a dress.

Shamu is Hans favorite animal now.

We had dinner with Shamu. It is something I will do again.

We went on all the kid rides at Sea world. Hans couldn't get enough. He is definitely like me.

Hans and Elle were scared of the sharks.

Sea World

Mark and I went out for a night on Savannah little did we know most everything closes early. Much different from Myrtle Beach everything was open late.

On the carriage tour through Savannah.

We walked the streets of Savannah. It was so beautiful!

In Savannah meeting the horse before we went on the carriage tour.

We collected sea shells, went boogie boarding, walked along the ocean, and went in the lazy river pool. Mom went boogie boarding for the first time and I think it will be her last.
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