I have wanted to visit my dearest friend Deb for a long time, but the doctor said no traveling. I got a call Monday from Deb that she was in, and she decided to come up Tuesday. Marge, Deb's mom, was able to come too, which was perfect because my mom was up at my house. We had the best time. The kids played like crazy outside and then after dinner they played in the play room. Late in the evening, Mark put on a movie for them and the chilled. It was so good getting caught up with Deb. I miss her so much and it was great being with her!!We took out the bubbles and played with them while we waited for Deb to get to our house with the kids. Hans loves his bubble sword that Luke and Levi got him for his b-day.

We met my Aunt, Uncle, cousin Karen and her girls at the Milwaukee museum. The museum had the dead sea scrolls on exhibit. Hans and Elle had been there a few months back with Grandpa, so he knew exactly what he wanted to see. Since we were already in Milwaukee I thought it would be the perfect time to go.

Elle made a friend!

Not much longer till the baby comes.

Kyli pushed Elle throughout the entire museum. Elle enjoyed it and I was thankful too for the help.

We headed up to Wisconsin for Hans to go to his first baseball game. He went with Daddy, Uncle Adam and Grandpa. We spent Elle and Hans b-day's up there. Hans and Elle got brewer's hats from Uncle Adam and from Grandpa and Grandma they got transformers, a barbie case, puzzles and money.

We opened gifts before we went to Wisconsin.

While Hans was at his cousin's house. Elle and I got time together. We opened Elle's tea set and had a tea party. We also went to the store and got Elle some barbie toys. She has a good start now. We also spent part of the day at my friend Rachael's house going through boxes and boxes of clothes. Elle and Shelby played while I figured out what clothes I wanted for the new baby. I am so thankful I now have more than enough clothes between what Shelby and Elle had.

Coloring Easter Eggs

We went to visit great Grandma at the nursing home. The kids opened their gifts and ate a couple cupcakes.

We met my family at Russell's for the kids birthdays. They loved their gifts and had such a fun time with their cousins. Hans was excited because he got to sleepover at his cousin's house.
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