I love my kids!! We are having such a great time together. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with them. Today I realized how helpful they are I took a bad fall and tore up my legs. Hans and Elle helped me take care of Briella. Then later in the evening Elle went crashing down in her counter top stool on the porcelain tile. I screamed!!! Thankfully she is OK. I realized how she is coordinated just like me or maybe it is that we try to do more than we should.
The boys working out at sports camp. They are already training for football season.

This is why I had to get a minivan. I so didn't want to but when you have to drive other kids it is the best. I drive the boys to sports camp and Christine picks up the boys.

Ethelyn drove Christian to sports camp and he cried the first hour, so we decided it would be best for me to drive him and she could talk Elle. Thus the lack of crying for the teachers.

The kids had been looking forward to Shelby's b-day party. Rachael had horse, jumpers, the pool was open, and two pinatas. The kids came home with bags of candy!!

Hans spent most of his time in the moon walk. We spent hours at the party. The kids didn't want to leave. What party will ever amount to this one?

Elle is a natural at riding horses. She saw the horse and wanted to ride it.

Elle playing at the playground at Hans t-ball game.
Briella is growing so fast. I can't believe she is already six weeks. Last night she slept through the night. I thought Mark woke up with her and he thought that I did.

Our friends Kristen and Eric came over for dinner and a late night. They are friends that used to be in our small group until they decided to start their own. Mark was happy they treated to
chinese again. Kristen and Mark love Chinese. We had such a great time!!

Ellie started her preschool the first day didn't go so well. We changed plans my friend Ethelyn started to drive her and now no more crying. Ethelyn says she has such a great time.

Ellie's second day of preschool

Waiting to go to preschool

Ellie's first day, she was so sad that I left. She is so my little girl. I love her so much!!!!!

When I was in
Elmhurst Hans got to play with Anna Beth, and I got to spend time with Diane although not as much as I would have liked to. It was nice because we were able to visit with our Grandmothers they are both at the same place.

I haven't seen my dear friend Ada for three years and we were able to get together. We talked and talked how much we missed of each others lives!
Briella has found her smile!! She now smiles for us we are so excited.
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