Ellie's two year pic

We headed to Michigan to Boo Boo's Farm. It was the first time for Elle and Briella. We had such a great time. Hans was in heaven. I definitely think that he was made to be a farm boy. Elle had fun swimming and her favorite picking berries, but was tired from the lack of naps. When we returned home she went to bed at 6 and slept until 9 the next day.

Hans hiking through the woods to get berries.

Elle and Hans in the woods. Hans was able to climb the highest hills. Elle had a little bit of a problem do to her

Garth took Hans out on the tractor. Hans had a great time driving it. Garth said Hans caught on quickly.

First day of hiking

Getting ready to go hiking

Swimming at Elk Rapids

Beware crazy driver on the road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mark always took picture by a tree on all of his trips, so we are continuing the tradition.

Hans at the park trying to look cool!

Ellie loved Gwen although I am not sure how much Gwen loved her?!

Swimming at torch lake!!

Adam and Mark took Elle and Hans downtown to see the filming of transformers. I think the kids favorite part was playing at the water wall.
We got tickets once again mainly so we could see Toby Mac. Once again we were up close. It was a great day. We went with our wonderful friends Eric and Kristen. We used to be in small group together.

Group picture!

The boys goofing around having a great time!

Hans had to get two things! These sunglasses and a kid wearing a superman outfit to support.

Group picture!

The boys goofing around having a great time!

Hans had to get two things! These sunglasses and a kid wearing a superman outfit to support.
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