Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Well today I am getting a little overwhelmed. This week we have parent teacher conferences, and I also get observed tomorrow by my new principal. The principal said it will be good to see one of the outstanding teachers. He is coming to observe me teach chemistry. I don't know how outstanding I will be. All that I can think about is how Erik is doing, and what I should be researching. I have been getting emails with so much information. I have found out that UAMS (University of Arkansas for Medical Science) has Bart Barlogie MD, Ph.D. He is considered to be the leader in treatment of MM. Bart trains many of the doctors at Northwestern. Bart focuses on controlling growth in MM. Also a coworkers husband has MM and has been going to UAMS for treatment. He has received his stem cell transplants at UAMS. I have also learned about Todd Zimmerman at University of Chicago. Erik is currently going to Loyola because of my cousin being a doctor there.

In MM the percentage of MM cells is in determining what should be done. I am not sure what Erik's percentage is? I am hoping to find out soon.