Briella Grace was born on May 6 at 10:40 am.
She definitely has my hands. She has perfect nails and is ready for a manicure.

We came home after 24 hrs. I really wanted to be home with Hans and Elle.

Leaving the hospital. When we came to the hospital on Thursday the weather was perfect. On
Friday when we left it was

Hans is all
about the baby. Today he laid down next to her for an hour and watched her sleep.
Elle likes to give Brie kisses, but then she is done.

I am so thankful for my many blessings and my wonderful family. Mark and I love and enjoy our kids so much!!

Mark took a final picture of me before I went to be induced. We left the house at 6:30. I was induced at 7:30, my water was broke at 9:30 and I had her at 10:40. Labor moved so quickly that it had to be a natural birth. There wasn't
enough time for an epidural to kick-in. It was not what I had planned for, but the natural birth was not as hard as I thought it would be.
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