There was a huge neighborhood garage sale and my friend Julie gave us 10 huge garbage bags of clothes for the girls, and a ton of stuff for me to give Kirsten too. They gave Brie this rocker and a take along swing. Elle got more porcelain dolls for her collection. My friend Dana sold some of Hans clothes for us at her garage sale, which was so nice of her!!! Papa Rich and Grandma came up to see Hans play t-ball.

Amber, a teacher I work with and bf at work, came over to see Brie. Although Elle didn't give her a chance. She watches Elle in church and Elle thinks Amber is all hers!!

Scott and Taylor are my favorite couple at school. That could be because I kept encouraging them to start dating. I kept telling Scott when are you just going to ask her out. They have been dating most of this year. Scott made us the best bread and I walk into the kitchen and see crumbs everywhere. Hans ate most of it!! Although he was nice enough to save me a piece.

Mary came to visit and found Brie some cute outfits. One of them was a newborn outfit and it fit her perfectly.

Briella makes me laugh. Every time her pacifier gets put in her mouth she makes a face like she can't stand it. After I hold it in her mouth and move it around she adjusts and when you go to take it out she looks at you like what are you doing to me.

Hans started his first day of t-ball. He is improving every time he plays.
For Briella's first week celebration we took her to Chuckie cheese. Although I think it was more for Hans and Elle. She slept the entire time.

Hans started his first day of t-ball. He is improving every time he plays.

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