The Best of Friends!!
Just imagine! I heard a little noise coming from upstairs and I thought I will go check it out. One of the children must be awake. As I am heading upstairs I hear a loud banging noises, and playtime not nap time music. I look and the door to Hans room is wide open, so I think I am going to open the door to Elle's room and find Hans playing with Elle giving her toys in her crib. I open the door and find Hans and Elle jumping in the crib laughing and having a blast. Trying not to burst out laughing in front of the kids, I run downstairs and grab the camera laughing the whole way. I took two quick picks and got out on my serious face holding back the laughter. I gave him serious talk how dangerous it is for him and Elle. Although this is the happiest I have seen Elle in recent days since she is sick.

So I figured out how Hans gets in he climbs up the side and flips himself over. My wild crazy kids!! As you can see Elle thinks it is the best thing ever.

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