Sunday, January 11, 2009

On the radio, there was a discussion about how this is the most stressful week of the year. I thought about it and said I can understand people make all their new years resolutions and have to pay all the Christmas bills. Although this is how it started for us. We went to get a new sticker for our license plate and they told us our car need an emissions test first. It was frustrating, but I thought I could go later sometime during the week. I took Mark's car to the Volo emissions test site and found out they closed it. Great! I called the number at the closed site and they said the nearest one is in Waukegan. That is an area I am not going to go in especially with my kids. They said my other alternative is to schedule an appointment at Meineke. That is what I decided to do because the car also need brakes badly. Mark and I took the car in during the crazy snow storm. We couldn't even find where the road was to pull in because it wasn't plowed. Real safe with kids! Well then Mark got the call when I was at work that it didn't pass the emissions test so it will be an additional $800, and we can't get the emissions retested until the paper work is filled out showing a tune up was done and work on the engine. What a scam! Considering our car is only a few year old. When I told people they said our governor must have been involved in that scam. That was my first reaction, my second was lets get rid of the car. Mark reminded me it is a Toyota and it will last us a long time, especially considering he takes the train to work. This week we are going to bring the car to get it fixed and I am going to drive to Lincolnshire to get it tested. Hopefully all goes well.

On the kid front Elle loves to clap her hands. She discovered the sound clapping makes and is constantly clapping her hands. Also she is trying to walk on her own. I knew she would be my early walker. She is going to be my one walking at nine months. Elle is not laid back like her brother. Hans has been talking a great deal more. Although it has started to decrease since I started back to work. This week he needed mommy time. I could tell he was really missing me because he was whiny and naughty. I asked him, "What is the matter?" He said, "Mommy no work!" I called Mark at work and we decided to let him sleep by us that night. He was so happy and in the morning when they dropped me off at work he told me to have a good day. It is amazing how changes have such an impact in a little one's life.