Monday and Tuesday Uncle Adam spent time with us. He brought Hans once again his favorite toy. I asked him how do you do it? He said I think what would I like to play with and buy it. We kept bugging Adam about moving in with us and becoming our nanny. We told him we would pay him $250, but he is happy where he is. I just thought since Mark talks to him a hour a day he might as well be living at our house (plus we got the room).Monday, Kirsten and I went downtown and got tested to see if we are matches for Erik. We did some shopping down there and I got new a load of new clothes that I definitely needed. It was a nice time, but I spent much of it being nervous about being a match for Erik. After we were done we stopped by and saw Erik. Please pray that we are matches!!!
After Rockford Mark and I headed to Milwaukee. We had a baptism party for baby Charlotte. John and Katie came in from North Carolina to have Charlotte baptized. Hans and Elle got decked out to go to the party! Hans even wore his hat. It was great spending the weekend with Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Rich besides they always have the best food from Sendicks.
Erik's in laws joined us for the holidays and they went with us to Rockford, and Coco Keys Water Park. I learned that Michelle, Kim's sister, and I are alike. We went down the water slides together. I also learned don't put your child down the biggest water slide first, especially when he has developed a fear of things. Elle and Hans enjoyed the pool on the second day the most. Hans quickly got over his fear of water, and was jumping in. He even ran into the deep end. Good thing I was there to get him. On Saturday, we went to auntie Gracey's for brunch. She made such a nice spread. Hans and Elle were hungry at the hotel, so grandma Judy got creative and laid a towel out and put food on it.
Elle and I enjoyed the lazy river
Elle bell posing in the pool. The steam from the pool kept rising. It was hard to get a clear picture of her face.
This water falls became Hans favorite activity.
Luke, Levi, Sam and I went from the inside hot tub to the outside. The boys were making snow balls. Then they threw it at Sam. All of the sudden about 15 girls were bombarding him with snow balls too. He eventually retreated inside.
Kirsten was able to come with. She spent her time hanging out with Elle and resting.
Michelle shooting hoops
Luke, and Michelle could cross this no problem. Levi and I struggled. Levi was too short, and I had the opposite problem. At the starfish I had to be on my knees. It just didn't work for me.
We tried to get one family picture. You can see how well the children cooperated.
After everyone left our house we opened gifts from Grandma Judy, and Auntie Kirsten. Unfortunately TT was sick, but Sam and the boys came. Elle got tons of clothes and Hans got Kota the dinosaur. Elle started screaming when she saw it, so Hans won't go near it. Officially it is sitting in the basement. Mark made the joke, "We could wrap it up next year and maybe he will like it."
Elle opened one of her gifts from Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Rich. They also gave the kids money, which we put in their college savings.
Everyone said how they love having Christmas at our house because it is so kid friendly. The kids spent their time riding Hans golf cart in the basement and playing in the playroom. Eventually in the evening some of the kids made it to the loft and found the toys up there.
I was so happy when Grandma Cindy came because she held Elle while I got the house ready.
Christmas morning Hans didn't wake up till 10, so we had him run to his stocking. Elle and Hans opened their gifts and then we bagged them up. We had to put them aside because all the guest were showing up at 12. We had about 40 people this year, but I seemed busier. I can see how two kids make a difference.
l I went to the Chocolate Factory to get Hans his stocking stuffers. I also picked up mint meltway bars for great Grandpa (they are amazing!!).
Christmas Eve Hans got to bring everyone their gifts then he started wading up the paper and throwing it at Garth. The minute we arrived I laid Elle down and she was into all the gifts. Below you can see her opening one. She has learned it is fun to open gifts.
Here are some pics added of Elle walking around I had to see the dentist and she was in everything walking around. When I showed up she was tired and ready for a nap.
Ellie is into the gifts. She likes anything shiny.
The first Christmas we had at great Grandma and Grandpa's house. Hans was happy to see auntie Brenda, who took care of him last year. I know he misses her! Shirley and Scott got him a ship that Brenda picked out and he plays with it constantly. The funny part of that night was when Hans got caught red handed with the cookie plate. A gift came out for him and I asked where is Hans. He was sitting behind Brent eating cookies. Everyone started laughing! Uncle Scott added the comment if he is not like his father. Although Hans was a lifesaver! He went over by Brent and Jodi, he kept hitting the chair where Tea was sitting and pointing. Tea was trying to climb into the walker and was hanging out. Also he was so good with the baby twins. Hans is so observant and such a good little sitter.
It was impossible trying to get a picture of the kids together. This is the only moment I could get them sitting still together.
We spent the the week prior to Christmas- 7 hours a day for 4 days- clearing out the basement and organizing Mark's Star Wars toys. Hans helped every step of the way, so he got some star wars guys out of it and a C3PO case to hold them in. He also got some monye to put in his bank. Talk about happy!
Christine came by with clothes for Elle and Hans. It was the first gifts they were able to open. They both got outfits.
We decided to get hans. Kota the dinosaur after he got Spike unfortunately he is afraid of both of them. Luke and Levi chased him with Spike and that was it. He has never been this close again.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Posted by Future Bulldog at 11:34 AM
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